
If the Mop Fits! Offers a variety of residential and commercial cleaning services in the Vancouver area.

Our mission is simply to help our clients get back to what matters most! We aim to do this by taking the mop out of your hands so you can continue to focus on being the finest parent, leader, or creative you can be.

Our Values

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability is at the forefront of what drives our decision-making. Environmental sustainability steers the directions we take around the products we use and our continuous learning.


Integrity starts with honesty, decency, and trustworthiness. Following through on our word and being honorable with our actions is how will continue to honour this. Caring for our planet also exemplifies this value.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement to us is about always working towards improving the quality of our cleans, simplifying work processes, lowering our waste/carbon footprint, and improving your overall satisfaction as clients.


Knowledge we honour by fostering a culture that encourages learning and personal development. We value working towards becoming experts in our field and equipping staff with the tools to always be learning.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to take our mission and apply our values to create efficient, green, and client-centric methods of cleaning, booking, and communicating with our teams.